The art, process or job of taking photographs (Oxford Dictionary), the art or process of producing images (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), the art, science, and practice of creating durable images (Wikipedia)...
Similar, even if somehow different definitions of photography, a word that was first introduced into the French language (photographie) in the 19th century. In one respect all these definitions coincide: characterizing photography first of all as art.
I’m an amateur of this art, in the strictest sense of the word (French again, meaning lover of): I take photographs because I enjoy doing it, without having had proper education for it, most of all I take photographs for the love of it.
I love these images, but already Shakespeare knew that love is blind, like Jessica says in “The Merchant of Venice”… therefore I expect that you don’t necessarily share my enthusiasm, you could find them even ugly. I’m ready to that and I appreciate any comment or criticism I should receive. Above all, thank you for the time that you spent on my page.
I do it for the love,
I do it for the rain,
I do it for the passion,
I do it for the pain…
(Blue October, “For The Love”)